Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Types of Deep Soil Preparation

Types of Deep Soil Preparation

The  double-dig  is  the  principal  way  one  prepares  a
GROW  BIOINTENSIVE  bed  until  good  structure  is
established.  Afterwards,  one  will  depend  on  surface
cultivating the top 2 to 4 inches. Another way to keep
cultivating the top 2 to 4 inches. Another way to keep
soil  loose  between  double-digging  is  to  single-dig
(loosening the top 12 inches with the spading fork). We
recommend doing so between crops in the same growing

Laying Out Your Beds

Laying Out Your Beds

Carefully choose a place for your raised beds that has
access to water and sunlight—preferably 7 to 11 hours of
direct sunlight each day.