forms. Jori clays can be 6 to 8 feet deep and are sufficiently porous and well drained to have been used for
highly productive orchard crops. Water−wise gardeners can do wonders with Joris and other similar soils,
though clays never grow the best root crops.
follow the next steps
Gardening Without Irrigation I (Spotting a Likely Site)
Gardening Without Irrigation II(Using Humus to Increase Soil Moisture)
Gardening Without Irrigation III(Keeping the Subsoil Open with Green Manuring)
Gardening Without Irrigation IV (Mulching)
Gardening Without Irrigation V (Windbreaks)
Gardening Without Irrigation VI (Fertilizing, Fertigating and Foliar Spraying)
Gardening Without Irrigation VII (Increasing Soil Fertility Saves Water)